

Our school canteen operates under the direction of the P & C Association.  In 2021, we were unable to keep the canteen open due to lack of volunteers. although we do not have a functioning canteen, we still offer special theme lunches throughout the year. The P & C are currently working to meet the requirements to open the canteen one day per week for lunch. STAY TUNED!!!

Parent volunteers are always in demand and anyone who can assist in this area is urged to contact the school office.

Water Bottles

Children need a good water bottle. We encourage them to drink water throughout the day. They take their water bottles into class and out to recess and lunch. 

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club provides a nourishing breakfast to the students, but its purpose is also to offer opportunities for positive social interaction. It is a good incentive to get to school early, as well as build more positive memories. It runs from 8:15 am to 8.30am every Wednesday and Friday morning in the undercover area. It is run by volunteers so if you are able to help, whether it be for 1 hour per week or 1 hour per term, please contact the office.